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Meet Fernando Godoy

Real Estate Broker | Realtor® REO Specialist SFR, PSA, SRS, RENE, CSC & ABR®

eXp Realty, LLC
100 Saunders Rd Suite 150,
Lake Forest, IL 60045

Fernando was born and raised in the beautiful city of Santiago de Chile, Chile. When he visited Chicago in 1993, he experienced its vibrant lakeshores, brilliant architecture, and scenic views. Fernando loved the wonderful combination of cultures and people and knew this is where he wanted to be. Since he loved those things so much, real estate was a natural match with him.

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Tuve la fortuna que me recomendaran a Fernando y no podría estar mas agradecido con la persona que lo hizo. Fernando es un excelente Realtor, siempre atento a esos pequeños detalles que hacen mejor la experiencia de comprar una casa, ya sea por primera vez como en mi caso, o para personas con experiencia. al fin de cuentas gracias a Fernando obtuve una excelente propiedad a la que llamo hogar y con gusto hoy en día puedo llamarlo amigo. I was fortunate to be recommended to Fernando and I could not be more grateful to the person who did. Fernando is an excellent Realtor, always attentive to those little details that make the experience of buying a home better, whether for the first time as in my case, or for people with experience. After all, thanks to Fernando, I got an excellent property that I call home and today I can gladly call him my friend. Jorge Barba (Translated by Google) I was fortunate to be recommended to Fernando and I couldn't be more grateful to the person who did. Fernando is an excellent Realtor, always attentive to those little details that make the experience of buying a home better, whether for the first time as in my case, or for people with experience. After all, thanks to Fernando I got an excellent property that I call home and today I can gladly call him friend. I was fortunate to be recommended to Fernando and I could not be more grateful to the person who did. Fernando is an excellent Realtor, always attentive to those little details that make the experience of buying a home better, whether for the first time as in my case, or for people with experience. After all, thanks to Fernando, I got an excellent property that I call home and today I can gladly call him my friend.

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Inmates in this Texas program are leaving prison with jobs — and lower chances of reincarceration

Faced with more immediate funding needs, state officials haven’t asked for more money for rehabilitation programs, such as STRIVE, next budget cycle.


Texas lawmakers may ban certain lessons at state colleges under expanded DEI crackdown

Legislators are expected to take up a $360 million proposal that would change the landscape of financial aid in the state.


Texas school district warns Border Patrol may board buses and question students about citizenship

A letter sent to Alice ISD parents Wednesday said a student may be detained and possibly deported if they cannot prove they are in the country legally.


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